Vidya Chetana – What

This is a unique informal educational programme for school going children wherein additional coaching (tuitions) is offered after the school hours.   The survey of such children is already made.  Free conventional education with a blend of sessions like spoken English, spoken Sanskrit, recitations, storytelling, Environmental awareness, Sanitation, cleanliness, Yoga, healthcare and games will be imparted.  This project will inculcate & propagate the Bharatiya Samskriti and samskaras to children who gather in their locality for 2 hours daily in the evening.  Specially trained teachers will conduct these classes.

In short, it is a unique free tuition centre for school going children from neglected parts of the city.  The parents of these children attending the tuitions are not literates and they cannot teach anything at home. Even their home work is unattended to.   About 25 to 30 children assemble in a place.  The tuition is for 2 hours daily in the evening.  These children have shown very good improvement in their studies, communication abilities etc.,   at present three centers covering 100 children are in place – Arakere, Srirampura & Kothanur, In Bangalore. These students have shown very good improvement in their studies.   The trust is running such classes in 3 slums and  proposes to start 6 more centers by next year covering 200 students.