Brief Note

What are they into : The objective of the Santvana is to provide Shelter, Security, Compassion & Dignified life 

To Orphans &  Under Privileged Children.  –  In addition Value Based Education, Samskaara & Personality Development  to these Boys.

The meaning of Santvana is Comforting, Consoling, Soothing etc., It is the duty of the society to make those less privileged boys  good asset of our country failing which they can become an anti-social and anti-national.  Later the citizens in the society will become the victims of such elements. The anti-social elements can ruin the country.

The Trust  has constructed a shelter home for the Boys.

The Boys who are being chosen to stay in the Hostel can belong to any Religion, Caste or Creed.  The motto of all these residents would be   VASUDAIVA KUTUMBAKAM   –   (UNIVERSAL BROTHER HOOD).  (The entire world is one family.  We may belong to any caste or any Religion. But we all belong to one family).   

As on date there are 12 Boys as inmates and  hope the strength will go up in the days to come. The children have been admitted into Veda Vijnana Maha Peetha Shaale which is run by Art of Living Foundation of Sri Sri Ravishankar Guruji.  They are being provided formal education until they become financially independent. They are being taught human values, morals and the cultural heritage of our country by these Elders. The objective is to make them good human beings who, in turn, will help other needy children in the society. 

The Trust has opened a Pre-Primary Nursery School in the same Buidling for the children in the villages and it is named as Dr. Abdul Kalam Nursery School.  No Fees is being charged to the children.  The beneficiaries are the children of landless labourers, poor farmers, watchman, building labourers etc,. There is a Govt. School in the village which starts from First Standard.  Hence, the school  helps the under privileged children in the rural area. 29 Children are attending the school as of now.

The entire wholesome facilities are being provided to all the beneficiaries at NO COST, by mobilizing support and donations from the voluntary persons, corporate organizations, and others who have similar Intentions.